Boners, More Boners, Still More Boners and the Pocket Book of Boners

by Alexander Abingdon and Dr. Seuss, 1931

Boners and More Boners, "being a collection of schoolboy wisdom, or knowledge as it is sometimes written, compiled from classrooms and examination papers" are the first books featuring the unmistakable work of Dr. Seuss.

The editor, Alexander Abingdon, does not exist. The name was added as a place-holder by the manufacturing manager of the Viking Press and was due to be replaced by a "big name" when one was found to write the introduction. One was not found in time and they forgot to remove the name. Ironically, the good doctor himself would become the Biggest Name in books in just a few years.


The third book in the series, Still More Boners was illustrated by Virginia Huget . . .

with content that was somewhat questionable for a book with a classroom theme.

No wonder you're ostracized! More Boners!